EZezine strives to comply with the bulk sending policies of every ISP.
If you have any reports of suspicious mail being sent from our server or if we are not complying with your bulk sending polices, please contact us immediately.

Things ISPs want to know about EZezine

  • EZezine members recognize that we are not a "quick fix" and that they are required to take action to clean their lists before using our software.
  • We respond immediately to any questions about our membership parameters.
  • We educate our members on ezine publishing "best practices."
  • EZezine is hosted on our own servers so that we can monitor every single email that is sent through our servers.
  • EZezine never attempts to hide our standing with the ISPs. Check EZezine's current status now.
  • EZezine's primary mission is to provide a spam-free environment for the successful delivery of content-driven ezines.
  • No spam is sent through our servers.
  • Every subscriber in every EZezine members' lists have double opted-in via a web interface.
  • We do not allow the import of existing databases that were built anywhere other than via EZezine subscription forms; therefore, there is never any question as to where, when or how a subscriber double opted-in.
  • EZezine and each of its members can provide a date/time/IP stamp on every single subscriber.
  • We have time-proven, robust, up to date and responsive bounce management programs in place.
  • We have been immediately accepted to every FBL we have applied to
  • Valid and immediate unsubscribe instructions are included in every email sent through our servers.

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